Walker Charles William
Charles William Walker (1878 – 1964)
C. W. Walker, who died last July in his eighty-sixth year, was elected to the Alpine Club in December, 1908, his proposer being Harold Raeburn and his seconder G. A. Solly. As a boy his health had not been particularly good, and he was, accordingly, educated at Lausanne, and it seems that his interest in mountains was founded then. In addition to the Alps, he climbed in Norway quite a lot, as well as in the Lofoten Islands.
He went to Edinburgh University and later joined the jute trade in Dundee, becoming Manager of H. Walker & Sons in 1913 and taking a large part in the development of the jute industry in the nineteen twenties. He was particularly successful on Boards and at conferences; he represented the jute trade at the Ottawa Conference. He finally retired from this side of his business in 1935.
His climbing activities diminished as his family grew, but he had many other interests. He was an outstanding shot, a very keen fisherman, and devoted to ornithology. He was also a very keen flower grower, with particular interest in Alpines. From an early age he had become a skier, and took his family regularly year after year to Switzerland.
In his earlier days he had taken an active part in the affairs of the Scottish Mountaineering Club, and was also a wholehearted supporter of the Scottish Ski Club. Most of his old climbing companions have predeceased him Raeburn, Ling, MacRobert, and others. His wife, whom he married in 1914, died in 1960, and to his son and daughters we express our sympathy in the loss of this veteran member of the Alpine Club.
T. S. Blakeney
Quelle: Alpine Journal Volume 69, 1964, Seite 329-330
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