Steel Gerald Arthur
Gerald Arthur Steel (1883 – 1963)
Gerald Steel, who died suddenly on December 14, 1963, in his eightyfirst year, was educated at Rugby and at University College, Oxford.
He entered the Civil Service in 1907 where he went to the Admiralty. From 1911 to 1915 he was Assistant Private Secretary to the First Lord and Private Secretary for the next three years. From 1919 to 1921 he was Assistant Secretary at the Ministry of Transport and then served as Secretary of the Geddes Committee on· National Expenditure. After this and until his retirement from the Civil Service in 1925 he was Assistant Secretary at the Scottish Office.
After leaving the Civil Service Steel joined the British Aluminium Company as General Manager and then as a Director, the connection lasting until his retirement in 1952.
Throughout his life Steel maintained his interest in his old school and was extremely proud of the fact that in his later years he became one of its Governors.
In 1953 Steel was elected a member of the Club; and while he was not able to attend its meetings with any regularity he was always present at the Annual Dinner. Indeed it was only a few days before his death that he wrote a letter regretting that his doctor had forbidden him to attend the 1963 Dinner. For this reason he was perhaps not well known to the majority of members.
In the A.B.M.S.A.C., however, this position was quite reversed. Steel was one of the first pair of Honorary Secretaries when the Association was founded; was Vice-President in 1948 and then President from 1949 to 1951. After his term of office as President he was elected an Honorary Vice-President and as such sat on the committee of the Association until his death.
As a man Gerald Steel had a vast knowledge of men and affairs and a judgment which was impeccable. He had a gift for handling people, and everything he did was accomplished with a wisdom and charm which, in addition to producing respect, engendered affection and esteem in all who had dealings with him. We have all lost a good friend and a wise counsellor, in respect of whom our sympathy goes out to his widow and son in their great loss.
G. Starkey
Quelle: Alpine Journal Volume 69, 1964, Seite 175-176
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