Spranger John Alfred
Spranger John Alfred, * 24.06.1889 in Florenz, später Cambridge, 1939 bis 1942 in Ägypten und Abessinien,
1945 Florenz, + 1968,
Die meiste Zeit seines Lebens verbrachte John Alfred Spranger in Italien. Er wurde am 24. Juni 1889 in Florenz geboren und erhielt seine Ausbildung am Malvern and Trinity College in Cambridge. Anschließend lebte er in Mailand. Cambridge, Ägypten und Abessinien und Florenz.
Als Bergsteiger begann er 1907 in den Alpen zu bergsteigen und war bis 1913 jedes Jahr in den Alpen unterwegs, wobei er sich besonders auf das Wallis und die Montblanc-Region konzentrierte. 1914 schloss er sich der Filippis- Expedition in den Ostkarakorum an. 1923 konnte er in den Walliser Alpen mehrere Unternehmungen durchführen. 1924 besuchte er in British Columbia die Cariboo Mountains. Ein dort erstmals bestiegener Gipfel wurde später von der Canadian Survey „Mount Spranger“ genannt. In den Jahren 1937, 1938 und 1939 war er erneut im Montblanc-Gebirge unterwegs.
Quelle: Auszug aus Alpine Journal Volume 73, 1968, Seite 299-300
John Alfred Spranger (1889- 1968)
It is probable that few members of the Alpine Club knew Spranger, since for much of his life he lived in Italy. He was born at Florence on June 24, 1889, and educated at Malvern and Trinity College, Cambridge (2nd class, Mech. Sci. Tripos, 1911). He then went to Milan University and got his doctorate in Engineering.
He served throughout the First World War, being mentioned in despatches, and in the Second World War he was in Egypt and Abyssinia from I939 to I942, when he was demobilised.
Between the Wars he had been general Secretary and, subsequently, Vice-Manager of the Magona Company in Florence, and from 1942 to 1944 he worked with the Technical Inspection Board of the U.K. and Canada.
He returned to Florence in 1945 and resumed his life there, but quite often came to England. By the British and Foreign Bible Society he was made an Honorary Life Governor in recognition of his work in collating Greek manuscripts for the third edition of the Greek New Testament edited by Professor G. D. Kilpatrick.
As a mountaineer he commenced in the Alps in 1907 and was out every year to 1913, favouring the Valais and the Mont Blanc regions particularly. In 1914 he joined de Filippi's expedition to the Eastern Karakoram,
doing surveying; he made no special ascents, as he and his porters had to carry heavy equipment with them; but they reached over 20,000 ft. in their work.
In 1923 he was able to return to the Valais, and in 1924 he visited British Columbia, the Cariboo mountains. A peak first climbed there ·was later named by the Canadian Survey 'Mount Spranger '.
After this, Spranger's climbing seems to have been intermittent, though the three years 1937, 1938 and 1939 found him in the Mont Blanc range once more.
Spranger was twice married and leaves three daughters, and to them we express our sympathy in their loss.
Quelle: Alpine Journal Volume 73, 1968, Seite 299-300
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