Ang Dorje Sherpa (III)
Teilnehmer an der "Südkoreanischen Dhaulagiri-Himal Expedition 1986" zum Dhaulagiri II (7751m) im Vormonsun 1986 unter der Leitung von Lee Don-Yong.
Am 12. Mai 1986 verunglückte beim Abstieg Kim Sung Kyu tödlich, während Ang Dorje und Dakipa den Gipfel erreichten und gesund ins Basislager zurückkehrten. Es war dies die erste koreanische Besteigung des Dhaulagiri II.
Teilnehmer an der "Japnischen Ganesh-Himal Expedition zum Ganesh V (6986m) im Nachmonsun 1987. Am 4. Oktober 1987 wurde der Gipfel des Ganesh V (6986m) über den Südgrat von Koji Shibuya, Yasuhiro Matsuda und von den Sherpas Kusang Lama und seinem Bruder Dorje erreicht. Es war dies die erste Begehung des Südgrates und die erste Gipfelbesteigung im Nachmonsun.
Quelle: Archiv Proksch (Österr. Alpenklub)
Dhaulagiri II, Ascent and Tragedy.
A four-man Korean expedition to the south face and east ridge of Dhaulagiri II was led by Lee Don-Yong. They established an Advance Base at 4900 meters and Camps I, II and III at 5400, 5800 and 6900 meters. Camp IV was destroyed by a snow avalanche almost immediately after it was set up and it was not re-established. On May 12 Kim Sung-Kyu and Sherpas Dorje and Dakipa reached the summit (7751 meters, 25,429 feet) in a nearly 12-hour climb from Camp III at 6900 meters. During the descent to Camp III Kim disappeared and was never seen again. No one knows what happened to him, but it is believed that he probably fell from the difficult, steep ice section at 7300 meters. This was the first Korean ascent of Dhaulagiri II. Cho Myung-Ho and Kim Ki-Tae also participated.
Michael J. Cheney, Himalayan Club, and Elizabeth Hawley
Quelle: American Alpine Journal 1987, Volume 29, Seite 256
Ganesh V.
The first autumn attempt on Ganesh V was successful when Koji Shibuya and Yasuhiro Matsuda and Sherpas Kusang Lama and his brother Dorje reached the top (6986 meters, 22,919 feet) on October 4 by a previously untried route, the south ridge. Our five-man expedition also included S. Ishikawa, Yasuhiro Yahara and me as leader. We established Base Camp, Advance Base, Camps I, II, III and IV at 4300, 4900, 5150, 5550, 5850 and 6300 meters on September 9, 10, 14, 20, 27 and October 1. The weather was almost always fine although it was cloudy on the day of the ascent. From Base Camp to Camp I was easy. From Camps I to IV we followed the ridge. The face above Camp IV was mixed snow and ice and 70° ice. This was the third ascent of the mountain.
Haruo Makino, Fukui Alpine Club, Japan
Quelle: American Alpine Journal 1988, Volume 30, Seite 213